Custom Sports Products
We are proud to introduce our new brand ‘OGRE BRAND SPORTS STUFF’. You’ll see our new logo in action throughout the site and find it on many of our items. We’ve also created the Ogre Shop for those who want to buy products quickly and easily online. For custom printed items, continue to contact us so that we can work out the details with you.
Check out the Ogre Brand website to learn more about Ogre Brand and the newest addition to our team, Ogie Ogreman.
The Ogre ShopWe also have an eBay store. We currently ship only within Canada, but we do offer free shipping. Checkout our eBay store. You'll find most of our blank pucks listed there.
eBay StoreThe new an improved puck museum is now live. It's still in the testing stage. We're still adding pucks to the museum. This process might take a while.